Restaurant Menu Roll
Stands |
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Roll Stands for Menu
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Put your drink menu on the menu roll & watch interest soar!
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The Menu-Roll will increase your ticket size at every table, every day.. all year long.
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The Menu-Roll from MenuCoverMan.com 888-777-4522 is for restaurants everywhere.
Once you put out the menu-roll, you'll never take them off your tables again.

Many of you use & have requested the Deluxe Classic Oak Menu Roll Stand..
It features a finely crafted routed & tapered edge, & it's perfect for your traditional decor.
Please call 888-777-4522 in the USA & Canada to order this fine product.
Important Note: It cannot be ordered here on the website!
Add $2.25 per unit. Lead time: Please allow 7 business days.
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Copyright ©
Blueberry Brands, LLC |
Fax: 215-438-4850 |